DOLPHIN DANCE Dawn of a New Life, Death and Rebirth
Rise up Productions Presents DOLPHIN DANCE Dawn of a New Life , Dearth, and Rebirth.
Rise up Productions is a Transformational Theater Troupe who is committed to creating venues that address the multitude of issues that plague our planet and Her inhabitants during this time of Great Promise and Great and Great Peril.
The Dolphin Dance is an inspirational venue designed to elevate our awareness of both personal and planetary issues. This donation based event will funnel it’s proceeds into a 503c not for profit organization entitled The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
As Sacred Activists we utilize many of the expressive and healing arts in our multifaceted ceremonial performances . These include but are not limited to the following: Storytelling, Poetry, Prose, Music, Dance, Song, Chant, Sound Healing, Guided Meditaion, Decorative and Visual Arts.
In addition we address both social and health concerns that plague many people in these terribly toxic times . Cancer patients find the Dolphin Dance especially endearing as it mobilizes their life force and ignites their will to Live!
Audience participation is encouraged during some special interactive experiences that are scheduled during our time of deep communion.
Special attention will be paid to Healing the Waters of the World and establishing a deep devotion to the Divine Mother of Pearl!
Christine Fischer, Maia Oden and Susan Christmas invite you to RISE UP and then take The Deep Dive into the Collective Heart of Unconditional LOVE.
Please join us on October 22nd from 2PM to 4PM at the beautiful Bridge Between the Worlds.
Call Christine at 434-409-0548 or email her at to register. Thanks.
10/22/2017 14:00 to 10/22/2017 16:00