Ability to tune into a person’s core energetic needs
Margaretta McIlvaine is a very talented healer. She has an innate ability to tune into a person's core energetic needs and deliver insight and profound understanding to the person she is assisting. My wife, Sally, and I both have been on the receiving end of Maggie's...
I literally owe Margaretta my life!
I literally owe Margaretta my life!!! Her work has helped me make profound changes in every aspect of my Being and made it possible for me to live. The incredible transformation I have experienced through Maggie has altered my life in the most wonderful ways possible....
Strengthened my healership to myself
One of the gifts I receive when working with Margaretta is partnership. She frequently encourages me to check in myself, ask the questions and listen for my inner voice and my guides. This type of work has strengthened my healership to myself and I have grown to trust...
I am awed at the growth and change in my life
Margaretta has assisted me for the last four years with my spiritual evolution. The transformations I have made with her assistance have been profound. When I look back at where I was at the beginning of our work together I am awed at the growth and change in my life....
Released my deep-rooted block
My first experience with Margaretta was incredible. It was also unexpected and dramatic. The release of my deep-rooted block; pain, misery guilt and especially anger has made me a lighter freer person. I realized that I put myself in my own emotional prison and only I...
I could hardly walk when I started coming to Margaretta
I could not be the active person I am today if I hadn't found Margaretta. I could hardly walk when I started coming to her. I had been to many doctors and felt like I was getting worse. Together we healed a sore on my leg that had been open for three years. Now thanks...
Showed me how to exist in a world where I felt alien
Margaretta was the instrument by which 'my boots got laced' the soul connection for me who lovingly showed me how to exist in a world where I felt alien. It was during one of our initial sessions that I first came into contact with my 'guide' and it was a magical...
Deep transformational change
Amazing, absolutely amazing what Margaretta has been gifted with enabling her to create with the client deep transformational change.
Unearthed a long-term problem without prior knowledge
The energy work I undertook with Margaretta was like a transcendental experience.... I'm still a little flabbergasted at the way she spontaneously unearthed a long-term problem without prior knowledge and treated it.
A truly special instinct
Margaretta McIlvaine is at the forefront of the visionary healing movement. She has a truly special instinct and my visits with her were a type of journey without boundaries.....In healing sessions and conversations with Ms. McIlvaine I acquired insights profound...
Nothing less than magical
I have found Margaretta's work to be nothing less than magical and miraculous! Through very intentional sessions, I have cleared major issues in my life, cut relationship cords that were no longer serving me, balanced my energy centers and received powerful insight...
The most amazing energy healer right here in town
We have the most amazing energy healer right here in town. She is the REAL deal and I have the utmost respect for her and recommend her without reservation. I hope you might be intrigued enough to have the opportunity to work with her. I feel confident you will be...
Beautiful Ambiance
I have been to several events at Bridge Between the Worlds and have enjoyed the programs and the beautiful ambiance of the surroundings at all of them. Margaretta is such a gracious and generous hostess and makes everyone feel at home. She chooses such remarkable...