Dream a New Earth of Peace into Being: A Shaman’s Vision of How Healing Yourself will Create Peace for the World

Join Rachel Mann PhD as she shares her journey of personal healing from living with a mother suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and how it contributed to the transformation of generations of violence and trauma on a planetary level. She will explore how her own pain from PTSD and fibromyalgia led her deep into ancestral and collective consciousness to channel and transmute trauma and led her to stepping into her soul’s calling to be a shamanic healer and spiritual teacher. She will offer insights into the important role of the universal shamans in harnessing the highest destiny of humanity to live in peace, compassion and balance. Come learn how to harness your destiny as a visionary healer and creative for peace!

Rachel Mann, PhD is a shamanic healer and spiritual teacher whose work combines the wisdom traditions of Native American spirituality, Buddhism, shamanism, and depth psychology. With the power-packed tools of shamanic energy medicine and ceremony, she helps clients transform blocks, traumas, self-doubt and confusion so they integrate their spirituality into a life of creative, passionate purpose in service to others and the planet. She is the founder of the Institute for Awakened Heart Shamanism which offers an ancient and contemporary curriculum with deep wisdom on how to step into natural abundance, authentic power, soul force, and spiritual sovereignty as together we dream a world of peace into being. Her worldview and teachings are love-based and inspirational. She is a member of the faculty of AtlanticUniversity, affiliated with the Edgar Cayce Association for Research andEnlightenment. She can be reached at rachelmannphd@gmail.com. Her website can be found at rachelmannphd.com.

Rachel Mann, PhD
Shamanic Healing and Wisdom Teachings
The Great Medicine Wheel of the New Earth invokes the truth that this Wheel is great enough to bring together people of all faiths, backgrounds, religions, races, and cultures, to sit at this great table of compassion. When they do, together they will dream into being the New Earth to come seven generations hence of harmony, peace and love.


Feb 25 2020


8:00 am - 6:00 pm