Making Friends with Love, Prosperity and Purpose A Constellation Workshop with Harrison Snow
Western psychology and ancient wisdom have long held that our life circumstances are largely shaped by the dynamics that live below the threshold of awareness. These subconscious dynamics greatly influence the quality of our relationships with all aspects of life including love, health, prosperity, and career success. Unresolved and even unconscious traumas buried in childhood or the family system can show up as troubling blind spots and self-limiting patterns.
The systemic constellation work accesses your tacit knowledge, (what you don’t know you know) to bring untapped wisdom to light. By bringing to conscious awareness the unknown dynamics behind old patterns and limitations they can be understood, addressed, and even transformed. Transformational change is more than thinking about change: its truly being, embodying, and living the changes we want to see in ourselves and others.
The systemic healing modality offers the means to address these blocks to intimacy and prosperity that are hidden in our psyches. As our capacity for belonging and our sense of safely in the world deepens, we experience more self-actualization and inner peace in connection to ourselves and life.
Harrison Snow MBA has been a facilitator, team builder, and coach in human development for over 30 years working with individuals and corporate clients including Esalen Retreat Center in Big Sur, CA, World Bank Group and USAID. His latest book ‘Confessions of a Corporate Shaman; Healing the Organization Soul’ is available at Amazon.
Dates- November 2-3
TIme- 9:30-5:00pm
Place- Bridge Between the Worlds Retreat Center
2395 Paddock Wood Road
Keswick VA 22947
$175.00 early bird fee
Contact Harrison at 703-241-2421
Contact Margaretta at 434-466-3441 to inquire about lodging at the center.
Thank you.
11/2/2019 9:30 to 11/3/2019 17:00