The 4 Sacred Keynotes of an Inspired and Courageous Life: Transmuting Violence into Love.

Have you always dreamed of living in a world that is kind, caring and compassionate?

Are you watching the violence, hatred, injustice, environmental destruction, and unkindness of all kinds to targeted groups of the human family with fear, uncertainty, sadness, and even anger?

Have you heard great spiritual leaders like the Dalai Lama talk about how ending violence on the planet starts with your own mind? Are you confused or curious about what this means?

Do you want to feel more courageous and effective as you face not only the uncertainties and stresses in your own life, but in the world, as a whole?

Do you want to take everything you have learned on your journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration and use it to create a more peaceful and just world?

You have the power to go deeper into the greater mysteries of life to find answers to your pressing questions and to magnetize the soul force of love. You can change the world for the next seven generations and beyond.

Bring your hurt and fear, your hope and optimism to this 2-day workshop, 4 Sacred Keynotes of an Inspired and Courageous Life: Transforming Violence into Love.

Together, we will do the great work of transforming the scars of violence in ourselves and the world into love, beauty, connection, and compassion through meditation, journeying, prayer, ceremonies of fire and water, and sacred song and dance to build the fires of love in our hearts and the world. You will learn the inner mechanics of the mind of fear and separation versus peace and love, and will be given tools for transformational change in yourself and others to take into the world. If you have been on the front lines of violence in any form, come and lay down your burdens and be nourished and nurtured, supported and loved.

You will be inspired and find renewed passion and courage to continue the great work of love!

DATES: Saturday-Sunday, October 14-15, 2017

LOCATION: Bridge Between the Worlds Retreat Center, Charlottesville, VA

COST: By donation ($250 recommended); Free scholarships are available to anyone who has been or is on the front lines of violence.

Call me at 434-227-0538 or email for more information or to register.

10/14/2017 8:00 to 10/15/2017 17:00


Oct 14 - 15 2017


8:00 am - 6:00 pm