An Introduction to Metatronic Life and Healing
Metatronic Life and Healing: A Path of spiritual development and healing for the times we live in. Metatronic Life and Healing is Archangel Metatron’s personal path of healing and evolution that shines immense divine intelligence and light on our problems here on earth, both personal and global.
Please join Senior teachers, Clare Glennon and Richard Farmer, for this powerful healing event. Metatron is an aspect of the Divine that is responsible for the pattern and sacred geometry of all things, interfacing mystery and form between the Divine and Human realities.
The life part helps you live the light you came to shine. The healing part supports the release that which is in the way of the light.This is a simple, profound and powerful experience to gift yourself.
Clare and Richard will give a brief talk and after the talk there will be a healing from Archangel Metatron.
For more information contact Clare at:
and visit
You are welcome to come at 5 to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the center.
This is a free event, however, donations are accepted but not required.