Embrace Tiger Return to Being
Embrace Tiger Return to Being
With Harrison Snow and Margaretta McIlvaine
Find and return to your natural state of flow and equanimity wit systemic constellation work.
Established in Being perform action without regard to the fruit of action, Lord Krishna famously told Arjuna on the battlefield of life. What shows up is the sense of effortless flow and equanimity. We do our part and leave the rest to life or nature or our higher power. The words are simple to comprehend but how do we actually live them? Our minds distract us from Being (pure awareness aware of itself) with memories of the past or imaginations of the future that lead to grasping or aversion. We hold on to our stories failing to see the story behind the story where the trauma resides that keeps us bound to suffering, dissatisfaction and a lack of agency. Fortunately, through systemic constellation work, we can bring the subconscious material that hinders us to awareness and allow it to resolve. This movement frees us from excessive mental activity and confusion. We become more of who we truly are; one with our inner source of wisdom, love and fulfillment that lives in the present moment. This hybrid workshop at the retreat center, Bridge Between the Worlds, is offered both in person and online for the same cost. A zoom link will be sent to everyone who registers. Masks are encouraged but not mandatory for attending in person. Overnight accomodations are available and can be reserved at; www.bridgebetweentheworlds.com
Date and time
Sunday, September 25, 2022
10:00 am-5:00 pm
Bridge Between the Worlds
2395 Paddock Wood Road
Keswick, Va 22947
Call or Email Margaretta at 434-466-3441/ mm@bbtw.org to register
Fee $80.00